Good afternoon everyone,
The English teachers of 6th grade are proud to announce that the first Ppt's are ready to be seen.
We have deleted the surnames of our students for privacy reasons.
We hope you can learn about the beautiful countries that are part of the European Union.
It has been a great learning experience, both for the students and the teachers.
We have respected the information put by the students in their Ppt's, we have only focused on the gramatical correction. We apologize in advance in case the readers might find any wrong data in the presentations.
Enjoy them!
6thA - Austria
6thA - Belgium
6thA - Bulgaria
6thA - Cyprus
6thA - Czech Republic
6thA - Denmark
6th B - Estonia
6th B - Finland
6th B - France
6th B - Greece
6th B - Hungary
6th C - Germany
6th C - Ireland
6th C - Latvia
6th C - Lithuania
6th C - Poland
6th D - Italy
6th D - Malta
6th D - Portugal
6th D - Romania
6th D - Slovakia
6th E - Luxembourg
6th E - The Netherlands
6th E - Slovenia
6th E - Spain
6th E - Sweden
6th E - United Kingdom
It has been impossible to upload some Ppts. We hope it can be solved within the next few days!
The Powerpoints!
Hello boys and girls!
We are very happy to offer your ppt presentations. Hurray!
Now everyone can see a part of what has been done in class. This has been
14 years ago